Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Plan

People have been asking me about the new plan I am following. Basically I am eating 1700 calories a day and make sure I have a balanced meal each time. Now I have heard eat a balanced meal before, however I never completely understood how important it was.

Here is the plan.....
1700 Calorie Plan

Daily goals: 2 low fat dairy, 4 fruit, 5 vegetables, 4 whole grains/starch, 12oz protein, 3 healthy fats

Breakfast (220 calories) 1 whole grain, 1 low fat dairy, 1 fruit, 2 protein

Snack (130 calories) 1 whole grain, 1 oz protein

Lunch (495 calories) 1 whole grain, 4 oz protein, 2 vegetables, 1 fruit, 1 fat

Snack (110 calories) 1 oz protein, 1 fruit

Dinner (585 calories) 1 whole grain, 4 oz protein, 3 vegetables, 1 fruit, 2 fats

Snack (80 calories) 1 low fat dairy

40% carbs (170 grams)
30% protein (128 grams)
30% fat (57 grams)

I know what you are thinking....what the fudge does that mean? The idea behind this is to make sure I eat a little bit of everything and not cut nothing out. I'm hitting all the food groups!

When tennis picks up in the spring and I am playing more I will obviously eat more since I am burning more. This plan is based off of one day of tennis and two days in the gym.

My big goals for the plan is to eat more whole wheat stuff and more veggies! Looks like a lot of stuff but I found with the right size proportion you will be really full!

This weekend I will discuss some of the options I have been picking for each, and how going out to dinner has been. I still do eat out but have found that with new insight I am making better choices!

Today was another successful day!

Quote of the day is " The biggest weight loss secret? Manage your emotions or they will keep mismanaging you."

I feel like I could go on for days about my personal experiences with this quote. Sometimes I feel like I am on an emotional roller oyster! Then again who doesn't when they are trying to change their lifestyle. What's different about this time is I feel like since I am taking myself serious other people are as well and are continuing to give me encouragement and support! This is not to say that they didn't before, maybe it's that I am accepting it and taking it to heart!

Note to readers, this might be the only time I write two blogs in one day! I deserve a (healthy) treat :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I like the detail of the plan! I can learn this way too! Keep it up :-)

    I liked your other post about a new meal idea each week! Hopefully that includes blogging about it :-)
