Sunday, February 19, 2012

I turned left when I should have gone right...

Let me start off by saying I know it has been along time since I have posted. This by no means correlates with the fact that I have stopped my plan. I find that I am best at blogging when I have something big to write out. I wouldn't want to read a blog about what someone ate everyday. With that being said, let's talk about this week.

For the first time since I have started down this path I was faced with a lot of challenges. To start the week off I was just coming off being sick.  This didn't help matters as I had very low energy. With such low energy it was VERY hard to cook. Breakfast and lunch all week were great. These meals require very little prep work and it was easy for me to grab the stuff and go. Two thumbs up for me during those meals. I only had one cup of coffee this week!!!

Now dinner on the other hand is a different story!! I went out to dinner way too many times. Not only did I not need to spend money, but I would have made better choices had I stayed home. Going out to eat is just so much easier then cooking!! Cooking is hard for me because most times I cook meals for me and only me. If I had someone to cook with then I would probably be more inclined to do it more. Would it be weird to advertise for a cooking partner?

When I was out to dinner I have to give credit to myself for not going for the burger and fries! I went for sandwiches and salads which is more then I would have done in the past. One night I had to go for the pizza!!!!! Instead of ordering water I went for a beer. On the plus side I went for a lighter beer and not a heavy one, and I only had one. The few nights that I was home I thought it was a good idea to have wine at home to keep me from snacking. Bad idea!! Alcohol has just as many calories as food so in the grand scheme of things it's not any better.

I am not sure why this week was so hard for me! My classes this week were completely full so I worked all day. Two days after school I tutored which I am not used to.  If a change in my week can throw me off that much, what will the future bring? It scares me!!!! I knew this was going to change my life all around but I wasn't sure how much!!!

At this point I don't have the answer as to how I can continue to make changes and improve. I am proud of myself for being able to reflect on the week. Also, I am happy with the fact that I didn't turn to fast food.

At school when a student has poor behavior we put them on a behavior contract and then reward them when they meet their goals and have a successful day. It may be silly to say but I feel like I need to put myself on a life contract. Everytime I cook a healthy meal or workout I reward myself. Who knows!!

With lent coming up I was trying to think of what to do. Should I give something up, should I make an effort to do something more? Here are my thoughts so far.....
1. Give up alcohol
2. Get to the gym more
3. Go to church once a week

These are my thoughts so far. I will keep you updated on my final decision!

Hooray moment of the week!! 
I went to David's Bridal to buy a dress for a wedding I am in in June. I went 3 weeks ago to try on dresses and found I needed to order a size 16. When I went back today to buy and try on, I found out I needed a size 14! Might be a small accomplishments but at least it is something!!!!

Check back tonight for another blog! I know what you are thinking....two in one day!!! Tonight I am trying a new recipe in the crock pot. Plus I need to update all the amazing quotes my sister has been sending me :)

Happy Reading!


  1. I think I'm going to give up alcohol for lent

  2. Congrats on the ah-ha moment! As well as the good decisions throughout the week, even if you aren't blogging at every moment :-)

    All seem like good lent goals. If you can commit to the alcohol that would be amazing! Keep it up Molls!!!
